Cabana Colony Palm Beach Gardens 10 Homes for Sale | Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white

Cabana Colony

A subdivision of Palm Beach Gardens Homes.

Total Homes : 844

Percentage Available: 1.2 %

Gated : No

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No

Cabana Colony, Palm Beach Gardens, FL Homes for Sale

3069 Grove Court | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $295,000 3 2 $234 -
3777 Gull Road | Cabana Colony $240,000 2 1 $230 -
3807 Everglades Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $250,000 3 2 $192 -
3574 Dunes | Palm Beach Cabana Co $250,000 4 3 $133 -
12096 Alternate A1a #F2 | Gardenway Condos $214,700 2 2 $220 -
3631 Holiday Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $211,000 3 2 $238 -
3065 Florida Boulevard | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $190,000 4 3 $122 -
12104 Alternate A1a #G7 | Gardenway Condo $121,000 1 1/1 $160 -
12036 Alternate A1a #B3 | Gardenway Condo $2,000/mo 2 1/1 $2 -
3841 Dunes Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $1,700/mo 3 2 $2 -
2569 W Edgewater Drive | Maheu Sub Sec C $960,000 3 2 $546 -
2674 Lone Pine Road | Maheu Sub Sec C $640,000 3 2 $419 -
2520 Lone Pine Road | Lone Pine $515,000 3 2 $421 -
2674 Lone Pine Road | Maheu Sub Sec C $575,000 3 2 $373 -
3639 Gull Road | Cabana Colony $525,000 5 2 $278 -
3207 Grove Rd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $525,000 4 2 $356 -
3627 Catalina Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $525,000 4 3 $305 -
3585 Dunes Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $530,000 3 2 $371 -
12091 Colony Avenue | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $550,000 3 2 $457 -
3373 Bermuda Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $550,000 4 2 $293 -
3574 Dunes Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $529,000 5 3 $254 -
3255 Florida Boulevard | Cabana Colony $490,000 4 2 $327 -
3414 Florida Boulevard | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $515,000 3 2 $293 -
3121 Capri Rd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $488,500 3 2 $443 -
3089 Grove Court | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $515,000 3 2 $379 -
12261 Acapulco Avenue | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $460,000 3 2 $425 -
12263 Hillman Circle | Cabana Colony East $440,000 3 2 $286 -
3251 Capri Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $490,000 3 2 $388 -
12278 Hillman Drive | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $485,000 4 2 $301 -
3762 Catalina Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $497,500 3 2 $352 -
3144 Capri Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $445,000 3 2 $435 -
12233 Hillman Drive | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $460,000 2 1 $411 -
12043 Dolphin Drive | Cabana Colony $485,000 3 2 $382 -
3852 Gull Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony 2 $465,000 4 2 $322 -
3644 Catalina Road | Cabana Colony $475,000 4 2 $332 -
3373 Grove Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $457,500 3 2 $315 -
3599 Gull Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $462,000 3 2 $452 -
12346 Hillman Drive | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $475,000 3 2 $458 -
3293 Bermuda Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony $380,000 3 2 $325 -
3721 Holiday Road | Cabana Colony $440,000 3 1 $360 -

12044 Dolphin Drive | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,775sqft, $302/sqft

3797 Catalina Rd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,532sqft, $307/sqft

3294 Florida Blvd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,100sqft, $426/sqft

3266 Florida Blvd Blvd Boulevard | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,100sqft, $410/sqft

3687 Atlantic Road | Cabana Colony


2 beds, 1 baths, 888sqft, $451/sqft

3594 Florida Boulevard | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 1 baths, 885sqft, $396/sqft

12138 E Alternate A1a E #I4 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,173sqft, $222/sqft

12070 Alternate A1a #D3 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,023sqft, $245/sqft

12030 Alternate A1a | Gardenway Condo


1 beds, 1 baths, 711sqft, $226/sqft

3255 Florida Blvd #N/A | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,608sqft, $6/sqft

3853 Catalina Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 3 baths, 1,526sqft, $3/sqft

12263 Hillman Circle | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,736sqft, $3/sqft

3294 Florida Blvd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,100sqft, $4/sqft

3152 Capri Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

3323 Florida Blvd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,368sqft, $2/sqft

12354 Fl A1aalt #L2 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,023sqft, $3/sqft

12354 Alternate A1a #L3 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,023sqft, $3/sqft

12096 Alternate A1a #F3 | Gardenway Condo


1 beds, 1 baths, 1,023sqft, $2/sqft

12300 Alt A1a | Cabana Colony


2 baths, 18,342sqft, $1/sqft

12044 Dolphin Drive | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,775sqft, $302/sqft

3797 Catalina Rd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,532sqft, $307/sqft

3294 Florida Blvd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,100sqft, $426/sqft

3266 Florida Blvd Blvd Boulevard | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,100sqft, $410/sqft

3687 Atlantic Road | Cabana Colony


2 beds, 1 baths, 888sqft, $451/sqft

3594 Florida Boulevard | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 1 baths, 885sqft, $396/sqft

12138 E Alternate A1a E #I4 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,173sqft, $222/sqft

12070 Alternate A1a #D3 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,023sqft, $245/sqft

12030 Alternate A1a | Gardenway Condo


1 beds, 1 baths, 711sqft, $226/sqft

3255 Florida Blvd #N/A | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,608sqft, $6/sqft

3853 Catalina Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 3 baths, 1,526sqft, $3/sqft

3294 Florida Blvd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,100sqft, $4/sqft

12263 Hillman Circle | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,736sqft, $3/sqft

3152 Capri Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

3323 Florida Blvd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,368sqft, $2/sqft

12354 Fl A1aalt #L2 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,023sqft, $3/sqft

12354 Alternate A1a #L3 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,023sqft, $3/sqft

12096 Alternate A1a #F3 | Gardenway Condo


1 beds, 1 baths, 1,023sqft, $2/sqft

12300 Alt A1a | Cabana Colony


2 baths, 18,342sqft, $1/sqft

3069 Grove Court | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,410sqft, $234/sqft

3777 Gull Road | Cabana Colony


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,240sqft, $230/sqft

3807 Everglades Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,385sqft, $192/sqft

3574 Dunes | Palm Beach Cabana Co


4 beds, 3 baths, 1,958sqft, $133/sqft

12096 Alternate A1a #F2 | Gardenway Condos


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,023sqft, $220/sqft

3631 Holiday Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 903sqft, $238/sqft

3065 Florida Boulevard | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 3 baths, 1,726sqft, $122/sqft

12104 Alternate A1a #G7 | Gardenway Condo


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 823sqft, $160/sqft

12036 Alternate A1a #B3 | Gardenway Condo


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,023sqft, $2/sqft

3841 Dunes Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,516sqft, $2/sqft

2569 W Edgewater Drive | Maheu Sub Sec C


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,824sqft, $546/sqft

2674 Lone Pine Road | Maheu Sub Sec C


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,554sqft, $419/sqft

2520 Lone Pine Road | Lone Pine


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,423sqft, $421/sqft

2674 Lone Pine Road | Maheu Sub Sec C


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,554sqft, $373/sqft

3639 Gull Road | Cabana Colony


5 beds, 2 baths, 1,983sqft, $278/sqft

3207 Grove Rd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,545sqft, $356/sqft

3627 Catalina Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 3 baths, 1,808sqft, $305/sqft

3585 Dunes Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,483sqft, $371/sqft

12091 Colony Avenue | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,204sqft, $457/sqft

3373 Bermuda Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,840sqft, $293/sqft

3574 Dunes Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


5 beds, 3 baths, 2,087sqft, $254/sqft

3255 Florida Boulevard | Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,608sqft, $327/sqft

3414 Florida Boulevard | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,793sqft, $293/sqft

3121 Capri Rd | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,176sqft, $443/sqft

3089 Grove Court | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,362sqft, $379/sqft

12261 Acapulco Avenue | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $425/sqft

12263 Hillman Circle | Cabana Colony East


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,736sqft, $286/sqft

3251 Capri Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,265sqft, $388/sqft

12278 Hillman Drive | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,632sqft, $301/sqft

3762 Catalina Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,392sqft, $352/sqft

3144 Capri Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,116sqft, $435/sqft

12233 Hillman Drive | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,168sqft, $411/sqft

12043 Dolphin Drive | Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,246sqft, $382/sqft

3852 Gull Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony 2


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,478sqft, $322/sqft

3644 Catalina Road | Cabana Colony


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,431sqft, $332/sqft

3373 Grove Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,509sqft, $315/sqft

3599 Gull Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,040sqft, $452/sqft

12346 Hillman Drive | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,006sqft, $458/sqft

3293 Bermuda Road | Palm Beach Cabana Colony


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,400sqft, $325/sqft

3721 Holiday Road | Cabana Colony


3 beds, 1 baths, 1,252sqft, $360/sqft

Cabana Colony Map

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Discover Cabana Colony: Your Tropical Paradise in Palm Beach Gardens 

A neighborhood offering a distinctive fusion of old Florida charm and contemporary convenience, Cabana Colony is tucked away in the center of Palm Beach Gardens. Primarily constructed in the 1970s, this neighborhood is renowned for its authentic vintage Florida houses and design, rendering it a great choice for first-time homeowners or those looking to create their own tropical haven. While offering all the conveniences required for modern living, these homes have a nostalgic feel to them. One notable feature of Cabana Colony is the absence of homeowner association fees, which lowers living expenses for its inhabitants. The community’s convenient location that provides quick access to Palm Beach Gardens’ top attractions is another important lure. Cabana Colony provides a haven with roomy gated yards, paths, and a genuine feeling of community for people seeking a peaceful yet connected existence. Whether you’re a senior looking for a quiet place to enjoy your golden years or a family looking for a vibrant community, Cabana Colony offers something to offer everyone.  

Even more appeal is added by Cabana Colony’s amenities. There are many of outdoor recreational opportunities nearby, such as a basketball court that’s ideal for pick-up games and a playground that offers kids an enjoyable and safe place to play. Families who enjoy lounging outside together might get together for celebrations and meals at picnic spots. The neighborhood’s well-kept walkways make it easy for residents to go for quick walks or leisurely strolls, promoting an active lifestyle and a strong feeling of community. The finest of Florida living is embodied in Cabana Colony homes for sale, which offers a blend of lovely homes, contemporary conveniences, and a lively sense of community. 

Real Estate in Cabana Colony 

Cabana Colony real estate consists of single-family houses with distinctive bespoke designs that capture the essence of the 1960s and 1970s architectural movement. Block construction, modest swimming pools, and two to three bedroom floor designs are common features of the houses in this area. Numerous homes have lovely views of the garden or the river, which adds to the peaceful atmosphere of the area. These air-conditioned homes come in a variety of sizes to suit different requirements and tastes, ranging from 800 square feet to almost 2,200 square feet.  

Many of the homes for sale in Cabana Colony have recently undergone renovations, preserving their historic charm while adding contemporary conveniences. It is uncommon to see remodeled homes with larger living areas, contemporary kitchens and bathrooms. The ranch-style homes in the neighborhood provide an abundance of outside spaces for leisure and amusement; some of the homes even have large rear swimming pools and grass. Cabana Colony’s perfect location, between PGA Boulevard and Juno Beach, east of I-95, ensures that residents are never far from the top attractions. 

Outdoor Activities and Nearby Attractions 

Being a resident of Cabana Colony puts you in close proximity to some of Palm Beach Gardens’ greatest activities and attractions. The close proximity of the community to the Gardens Mall and Downtown at the Gardens guarantees residents convenient access to high-end dining and shopping establishments. You can find everything you need, including upscale clothing, fine dining, and casual dining, only a short drive from your house. In addition, there are a range of retail alternatives to satisfy every taste at Legacy Place and other neighboring shopping areas.  

The setting of Cabana Colony is ideal for those who love the great outdoors. A quick drive will get you to Juno Beach’s golden sand beaches, which provide countless chances for swimming, tanning, and beach combing. There are a lot of golf courses in the vicinity, which will appeal to golfers; other recreational possibilities include parks and tennis courts. Traveling for business or leisure is made easier by the community’s central position, which also makes Palm Beach International Airport accessible in about 20 minutes by car.  

Cabana Colony is home to several well-regarded public schools, including William T. Dwyer High School, Howell L. Watkins Middle School, and Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary. This information will be especially welcome to families with young children. These educational establishments are renowned for their strong curricula and encouraging surroundings, guaranteeing that kids get a top-notch education near home. Cabana Colony in Palm Beach Gardens is a veritable tropical paradise with its ideal location, modern conveniences, and timeless charm. 

Cabana Colony Amenities 

  • basketball 
  • picnic area 
  • playground 
  • sidewalk 

Cabana Colony FAQs 

What are the typical sizes of homes in Cabana Colony? 

The size of homes in Cabana Colony ranges from about 800 square feet to 2,200 square feet. From modest beginning homes to larger family residences, this assortment caters to a range of tastes and family sizes. 

What are the nearby attractions and amenities? 

Perfectly located among major landmarks and amenities, Cabana Colony is only minutes away from The Gardens Mall, Downtown at the Gardens, Legacy Place, and Juno Beach. In addition, residents have easy access to many parks, tennis courts, golf courses, and well-regarded public schools. 

How far is Cabana Colony from Palm Beach International Airport? 

Cabana Colony is conveniently located because Palm Beach International Airport is only about a 20-minute drive away, making it ideal for both business and leisure travelers. 

Are virtual tours available for homes in Cabana Colony? 

Virtual tours are available from Cabana Colony ECHO agents, yes. This makes it easier for prospective buyers to select the ideal property by enabling them to tour properties from the comfort of their own home. 

Cabana Colony Market Status

Cabana Colony, FL Market Report & Stats

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